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Annual Fun Run

Come walk, run, or roll with us at Welby’s Halloween Fun Run! Our goal is to raise $3500 for student assemblies, prizes, field trips, awards, end of the year activities, and so much more! The run also encourages students to be physically fit by promoting an active, healthy lifestyle.

Students will have 20 minutes to run and for every lap they complete, they will earn a spooky bracelet! The classroom that raises the most money will receive a pizza and ice cream party with Harwin! Families are welcome to attend and costumes are encouraged!

Thank you for your support!

If you are attending the Fun Run, do not check in at the front office; park in the main parking lot, and head down to the field to cheer on the students!

Students will receive envelopes to collect cash/check donations and give them to their classroom teacher on the day of the run. Please make checks payable to Welby Community School of the Arts. Donations can also be made using this link: Submit Donations Here!

Costumes are encouraged for the run, but must follow school policy; please no weapons, facepaint, or masks. Students must wear their costumes to school as there will not be time to change into them later, but can bring accessories to add before the parade/parties. Treats for Halloween parties can be dropped off in the office throughout the day, and will be delivered to classrooms.

Families will not be allowed to help students change into costumes before the parade. Students will walk to the field, go around the track, and head back to their classroom for parties. Feel free to bring lawn chairs or blankets to the field to watch the parade! After the parade, if you would like to attend your student’s classroom party, sign in at the office before heading to the classroom.